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May 2005

May 25, 2005

let them drool over cake!

Few things make me wish I was closer to a city, but this might be an exception. It as least makes me wish for a transporter so I could beam myself to New York tomorrow. Even stranger than my desire to go to one of the biggest cities around, I just want to go to Grand Central Station, walk around for a few hours and leave. How weird is that?

What, you might wonder, is sufficient to draw the country mage's thoughts into the city.

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May 19, 2005

Cookbook Meme

Wow, I've had this blog a month and haven't been memed yet. So when I came across  Spiceblog's cookbook meme, and already had the pictures on my camera, it seemed like a natural. Without further ado, here's shelf #1.

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May 16, 2005

bring on the herb porn, bring on

To answer an earlier question, "Yes, it's here!" But I had somehow missed the memory card I needed so it sat for several days...sad...dejected...without purpose... The camera didn't have much to do either. :-(

Well, that was then, this is now...


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May 15, 2005

Taste of Wahkiakum!

Wow, Taste of Wahkiakum, who knew? Living down here in evenTinierTown*, I really didn't think we'd have our very own "Taste" but apparently I was wrong. This is exciting, not just because it is an excuse to eat, shop, and talk food--and really, who needs more than that? But wait, there's more: with any luck, I will find all the local hidden food treasures gathered together in one place; it's as if someone designed the perfect "welcome to the county "gift for a kitchenmage!

* Tinytown has been allocated to Port Townsend, WA by one of the most amazing pastry artists I've seen in a while. Go check out this thread on eGullet and be awed.

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May 11, 2005

Is it here yet, is it here yet???

The Kitchenmage is, by nature, a semi-nocturnal creature, being at her best between dusk and some dark hour that can be counted on one hand. So why, you may ask yourself, is she awake before the dreaded alarm went off today? And more than that, happily restless, like an eleven year old waiting for the latest Harry Potter tome. Well, faithful reader--hmmm, this blog is new enough that the singular may be accurate--it's all for you. Yes, you!

How could this be you ask?

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May 03, 2005

The life of a breadstick

Stix2aMy current favorite bread recipe is Pain a l’Ancienne from Peter Reinhart’s fantastic book, The Bread Baker’s Apprentice. It’s a primal bread recipe, using only flour, water, yeast, and salt but it’s all about the technique. It is made using ice cold water, kept cold for most of the “fermentation” stage and doesn’t see much heat until it hits the oven for baking.

According to Brother Peter, this cold mix and ferment process “delays the activation of the yeast until the amylase enzymes have begun the work of breaking out sugar from the starch” and provides more sugar for flavor and caramelization during baking. According to the people who eat this bread, it’s simply amazing, with this full, deep, slightly sweet, grainy, nutty taste, a hugely open crumb, and crust to die for. (One of my apprentices just says, “…is that the special bread?”)

So I decided to make breadsticks with it. The rosemary blooming in my (tiny new) herb garden was further inspiration, nudging me to attempt a slightly modified version of Pain a l’Ancienne to create Crusty Rosemary Bread Sticks.

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