adorable kittens!
Forgive the redundant title, but they are so squeeable!
Not much talk, just want to share the cuteness that lives up the street from me. First, one of a pair of twins, investigating what we humans were up to--I believe it was wine and bread with a variety of toppings.
And introducing our new kitten! Currently called "tuxette" because mom is Tux, she's going to need a new name soon. We're looking for a friend for her, but the twins don't seem inclined to be very social so it's not going to be one of them. Is this not an adorable furling?
Hurry over to eat stuff to see the rest of this week's cats.
The players so far:
Check out Matildes puss playing Hide and Seek! at Skør i Skralden
Check out Macroom strutting it with the big cats at Dispensing Happiness
Check out the cat showing her displeasure at the idea of WDB at Belly Timber
Check out Tasha waking up from a nap at A few of my favourite things
Check out The Stunning Nero at Anne's Food
Check out The big black sweetie named Jazz at Look hunny, I cooked.
Check out Meow Meow relaxing in her new bed at Masak Masak
Check out Alices's boys relxing on a Saturday morning at My Adventures in the Breadbox
Check out Farmgirls best pal the doodle monster washing herself at Farmgirl Fare
Check out bussi practising the art of feline hedonism at basic juice
Check out Lucky taking a well positioned nap at The Countess
Check out Grey Kitty the not quite stray at Restaurant Widow
Check out luke curled up with Nick at Sweetnicks
Check out the Gorgeous Kittaya taking a nap at Mananadi