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Fall into Cooking with free recipes from new cookbooks

Just in time for the holiday shopping season, Amazon has had a wee bit of a tweak here and there - mostly flyout menus that behave more like you might expect software to act - but there are also some new featured sections. My personal favorite is, of course, food related: Fall into Cooking

At first, it looks like a lot of shiny new cookbooks, and it is, but scroll down a screen, past those cookbook titles, however tempting they may be, for just a moment. (I promise, you can go back later.) On the left sidebar, see where it says...

Fall Recipes

That's where the really good stuff is. Forty-three authors share recipes, many from their latest books, all focused on using the bounty of fall. Here are a few things that caught my eye.

Amateur Gourmet Adam Roberts offers  Pumpkin and Goat Cheese Stuffed Squash Blossoms (My first thought was, how do you get pumpkins and squash blossoms at the same time? I just picked up two pie pumpkins from the local pumpkin patch today - I'll have to freeze some for when squash blossoms are next in bloom.)

Peter Reinhart shares a lovely sounding Steamed Boston Brown Bread recipe.Dorie

Alton "Stuffing is evil" Brown weighs in on roasting a turkey.

Baking: From My Home to Yours is one of those books that is high on my list of things I want. I mean, just look at the cake on the cover! Applesauce Spice Bars, full of fresh apple, raisins, pecans, and even a smidge of booze if you'd like, look like a tasty sneak preview while I wait for the rest of the book to arrive via bookPixie.

Out of the dozen or so recipes I have perused, the one I find most enticing is Butternut Squash Gingerbread from Seattle's Tom Douglas. In reading the recipe, it sounds a lot more like a squash upside-down cake, a really delicious squash upside-down cake with pecans, fresh ginger, molasses. and a full cup of coffee in the cake batter. Clearly, I need to find a squash tomorrow. Brew some coffee, too.

That's just five, leaving thirty-eight recipes for you to explore on your own. So what are you waiting for? Jump on over to Fall into Cooking and find new and tasty things to do with your fall harvest.

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