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July 2008

July 22, 2008

Spike comes for a visit

spike stares

One thing that I have really missed in this time away from the fog valley is the critters. Being spoiled by having a local elk herd that tromps through the neighbor's fields makes it hard to move to a place where the local fauna is rare...and small.

Missing my hoofed buds as I do, I have been delighted in the last couple of weeks to have new creatures visiting. Take Spike, for example, who stared appearing in the cool grass under the barn overhang when the thermometer headed towards 90 a couple of weeks back. He has been back daily, emerging from the slope above the barn to lie amongst the clover and nibble. When the sun dips behind the cedars to the west, he wends his way down the path into the woods beyond.

Day before yesterday, a doe came down from the same hill with a tiny spotted fawn who looked like it might be her first trip out into the big world. I've got the camera ready for their return and my worktable has a view. Wish me luck!

July 18, 2008

Food Network Kitchen Training Show casting call

Food shows on TV are not my usual beat but I am feeling benevolent towards the media at the moment because the Hell's Kitchen art department, where my good friend J works, was nominated for an Emmy! (And J says if I can get myself to LA, maybe she can get me dinner on the show next season! How much fun would that be?) But that's not whay I am here, otherwise that title up there would be about HK, now wouldn't it?

I am here because of another friend, who sent me a link for a new Food Network show that is casting and I wanted to share it with you. Just in case you are on the other end of the spectrum from HK, you know, just learning to cook.

Food Network is looking for the most disastrous cooks in the country to participate in a very different culinary competition show!

This is the opportunity of a lifetime—to work with the best chefs in the country and learn to cook like a professional. Seeking outgoing people with a genuine inability to cook, but a need and desire to improve!

For more info, check out the site - which seems to just be getting started learning to be a web site since it is still lacking some details and an application form. (No word on whether or not you will be verbally abused by the host.)

Food Network's Kitchen Training Show

July 11, 2008

USDA to release names of stores with recalled meat...sometimes

The US Department of Food and Agriculture has just announced that in the future they will be making public the names of stores with recalled meat and poultry.

"The identity of retail stores with recalled meat and poultry from their suppliers has always been a missing piece of information for the public during a recall," said Schafer. "People want to know if they need to be on the lookout for recalled meat and poultry from their local store and by providing lists of retail outlets during recalls, USDA's Food Safety Inspection Service will improve public health protection by better informing consumers."


Well, sort of...

Continue reading "USDA to release names of stores with recalled meat...sometimes" »

July 08, 2008

Now that there's a boycott, I have to go to McDonald's

You can tell it is getting into the political silly season here in the states when groups come out against all sorts of absurd things, usually "for the children..." Because, who will think of the children, if not the likes of the American Family Association.

Today's target: McDonald's

Specifically the fact that McDonald's has donated money to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and also has a company representative on the NGLCC board - a list I will have to make note of when I do my shopping. (see also: corporate advisory group)

This is McDonald's and I know that they also do lots of bad things, but this is not one of them. So I interrupt my usual anti-McKentuckyFriedBurgerRoyalty (et al) hate for a moment...

Continue reading "Now that there's a boycott, I have to go to McDonald's" »

July 03, 2008

Happy Independence Day

Happy 4th of July!

Hope you all have a great day of burning hunks of meat (or tofu) planned. Don't forget the marshmallows, hand-painted or not.

Beef recall: Kroger, QFC, Fred Meyer

Just in time for the 4th, Kroger has announced a recall for hamburger purchased between May 21-July 5. You know the deal, e. coli, yadda, yadda. Why it is dated for the meat sold in the future, I don't know. Details below:

Cincinnati-based Kroger is recalling ground beef products in plastic foam tray packages wrapped in cellophane, or purchased from a service counter at all Fred Meyer's and QFC stores between May 21-July 5. The first 6 digits of the UPCs for the effected products are:

  • 241659 and 241661 for lean ground beef 20%
  • 271665 and 271670 for extra lean ground beef 15%
  • 241670 and 241676 for leanest ground beef 7%
  • 231677 for Laura’s Lean Ground Beef 4% fat.

Chef’s Express items:

  • meatballs with the first 6 digits of the UPC 291196
  • meatloaf 291091
  • meatloaf with spinach 291297
  • stuffed peppers 291119
  • beef mushroom burgers 291306.

(KOMO: QFC, Fred Meyer issueground beef recall)

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