Spike comes for a visit
One thing that I have really missed in this time away from the fog valley is the critters. Being spoiled by having a local elk herd that tromps through the neighbor's fields makes it hard to move to a place where the local fauna is rare...and small.
Missing my hoofed buds as I do, I have been delighted in the last couple of weeks to have new creatures visiting. Take Spike, for example, who stared appearing in the cool grass under the barn overhang when the thermometer headed towards 90 a couple of weeks back. He has been back daily, emerging from the slope above the barn to lie amongst the clover and nibble. When the sun dips behind the cedars to the west, he wends his way down the path into the woods beyond.
Day before yesterday, a doe came down from the same hill with a tiny spotted fawn who looked like it might be her first trip out into the big world. I've got the camera ready for their return and my worktable has a view. Wish me luck!