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January 2009

January 30, 2009

...but i digress

I am tempted to give this a newvoices tag and I'm going to claim an exception to my promise to myself not to drag this blog off-topic because TV is covering blogs and he just said something about blogs, but if you aren't watching The Colbert Report, you are missing some truly good stuff. If you hate what he's lampooning, you'll fall over laughing; if you love what he's lampooning, you'll still laugh out loud at his dead-on over-the-top delivery.

Folk who were in the Pacific Northwet while Almost Live! was on might be, as we were, reminded of Pat Cashman at his Uncle Buzz, 40 weight hair product best.

I now return you to your normal food blogging, already in progress.

January 21, 2009

An Obama wordle...and a hungry child

This has little to do with food, but I figure there must be one or two of you who are also word geeks, political geeks (oh yeah, everyone is a political geek this week!), or just plain curious. Besides, since breaking my arm, I have been mostly banished from the kitchen because, well, let's just say that when I cut an onion and cry, it's not about the Syn-propanethial-S-oxide.

So I have been reading a lot, watching endless political TV and playing on twitter just a bit. In the process, I have discovered all sorts of time-sucks, er, I mean cool and useful web tools, One of my favorites is Wordle,

Wordle, in case you have missed it, is this marvelous tool that lets you create custom word clouds using a piece of text, an RSS feed, or even someone's tags. It's a great way to get a quick impression of someone's writing, giving you a quick visual of the topics they address and an idea of their style.

A number of websites have started to use them to illustrate various things. One of my favorites is cookthink, which attaches one to its cookthink questionnaires, which uses a wordle of each person's RSS feed to give you a snapshot of the person being interviewed. Some of the wordles there have one or two clear favored topics, like Julie Biuso's champagne, or Carol Fenster's chocolate.(Note to self: bookmark their sites...)

One word that everyone uses a lot? "Favorite." That's good because it means people are writing about food they truly love. The interviews are interesting, too. Check them out if you haven't yet.

But that's not why we're here...

Continue reading "An Obama wordle...and a hungry child" »

January 20, 2009

2008 Food Blog Awards

If it's January, it must be time for the annual Food Blog Awards. Cate at Well Fed has this year's finalists up and the polls are open. Sadly, there is no award for "Blog that seldom got posts because the writer was busy writing a cookbook" - I would have been a shoe-in! - but my foodie BFF Farmgirl is a finalist in the rural category so go show her some love.

While you are there, check out the rest of the categories, there are some great new blogs this year. Voting is open until Saturday, January 24th at 8 pm EST.

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