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March 2009

March 06, 2009

PSA: Do You Have Backups of Your Recipes?

Losing your business in a fire is a tragedy but Archie Marlin, owner of Alps Candy Store in picturesque Leavenworth, WA has a much larger loss to contend with: 600 recipes. The original recipes, which represent 35 years of Marlin's work at the store, went up in flames along with the building. Fortunately, the building was insured. But there is no insurance for the years of work that those recipes represent.

Marlin has a great attitude about this. (Better than mine would be, I think.) Asked if he can recreate the formulas, he says, ""Sure, I can do it. They might not taste the same but they will have the same names — if I can remember the names." (Fire badly damages Alps candy store)

Having spent much of the last two decades as an IT consultant, I'd like to pass along the first question I ask clients who are having computer problems - it applies here as well.

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Sleepover Steel-cut Oats Recipe

Sleepover Steel-cut Oats

It has been quite the winter around here, what with the cookbook coming out, my broken arm, and snowpocalypse! - and that was all last year! 2009 started with floods that shut down my state, followed by storms that washed out roads and took down 60 foot cedars in the valley. The usual distractions of the Internet are filled with bad news: economic meltdown, record unemployment, all those gazillions of dollars being thrown at the banking industry while a farmer in the next valley faces a growing number of farmers around here who are packing it in. (And what does it say that searching for that linked string above, including 'gazillion' gets almost 3000 hits? Nothing good, I'm sure.)

Tough times all around.

Continue reading "Sleepover Steel-cut Oats Recipe" »

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