Food that squicks out other people
When theKid was a young'un, she had a signature omelet: hot dog, grape jelly, and sharp cheddar.The precise genesis of this creation is lost to time, but it was surely her own concoction - the specific combination has remained unappealing for nigh on a quarter-century now. More than that, perhaps, is the ongoing joke of my horror at the mere idea of the thing. (But if I liked it where would the fun be in that?)
I was reminded of theKid's omelet today when I was at Shakesville, a feminist site with a side of food, where they asked people:
What's a food you love that horrifies most other people?
The thread is a hoot, although I found at least a couple of things I love on the list. Those rolls of pastrami/cream cheese/pickle, my grandmother used to make those for me when I visited. (Is it a Jewish thing?) Other choices, say, turkey skin that is "nice and soft and fatty and moist" just make me cringe. Which is, I suppose the point of the list.
The entire list is here.
For balance, What is your idea of the perfect meal? Oddly, this has less than a hundred comments while the other is creeping towards 200.
Even odder, I can't come up with food that I eat that horrifies other people. This probably says more about the people I hang out with than me, but still...
How about you? What do you love that squicks other folks out?