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Help Me Help Hyperlocavore

Wow! She did it! The fundraising goal was just reached, although you can still donate if you would like to. Huge thanks to everyone who donated or helped spread the word.

You probably now what a locavore is, heck the term is years old, almost forever in Internet years. But do you know what a Hyperlocavore is?

The brainchild of Liz McLellan, Hyperlocavore has at its heart a simple idea: Some people have yards they aren't using to grow food, while others want to grow food but have no space. Liz calls it yard-sharing. I call it genius!

Liz has big plans for her site, and the yard-sharing movement as a whole. The first thing she needs is, of course, money. She has set a goal of raising $6200 to fund the next stage of Hyperlocavore development, details of which can be found here: We need your help! Hyperlocavore

She's using Kickstarter, which lets you set funding goals for a project and only charges people if the project is fully funded by the deadline. This 'all or nothing' approach avoids those partially funded things, where you give money but the organization doesn't get enough to complete a project. It also means deadlines matter: no goal, no money.

So how's she doing?

Great! With about 48 hours to go, the project is funded at $5254 $5424 $5580 of $6200. So close! 

Here's how you can help:

  • Go to the Hyperlocavore page on Kickstarter and donate whatever you can. Even a few dollars helps and the minimum pledge is only THREE bucks. 
  • Tweet this link: (It goes directly to Hyperlocavore's page on Kickstarter.)
  • Tell your friends!
  • Follow @Hyperlocavore on twitter and cheer her on.
  • Find a Yard Share or share your skills.

I am headed over to make my donation right now. Please come along and help.

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