How-to: Block Pinterest pinning from your site
updated March 10th: Added how-to block pinning without advanced templates. Thanks to Typepad's support folks for the tip.
While I am of the "Please pin my stuff" clan, there are others who are of the "Don't Pin me, bro!" tribe. For those folks, a short and sweet method for blocking people from pinning your pages.
Advanced Templates
Add this snippet to the HEAD section of your HTML pages
<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" />
Without Advanced Templates
Go to your blog's Settings Page, Basics section. Add this snippet to the Blog Description field.
<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" />
I have it after the actual description on a test blog and it's working fine but this is a bit of a hack so please let me know if you see any weirdness.
Download text file with the NoPinCode and instructions.