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February 2012

February 21, 2012

How-to: Block Pinterest pinning from your site

updated March 10th: Added how-to block pinning without advanced templates. Thanks to Typepad's support folks for the tip.


While I am of the "Please pin my stuff" clan, there are others who are of the "Don't Pin me, bro!" tribe. For those folks, a short and sweet method for blocking people from pinning your pages.

Advanced Templates

Add this snippet to the HEAD section of your HTML pages 

<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" />

Without Advanced Templates

Go to your blog's Settings Page, Basics section. Add this snippet to the Blog Description field.

<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" />

I have it after the actual description on a test blog and it's working fine but this is a bit of a hack so please let me know if you see any weirdness.

Download text file with the NoPinCode and instructions.

February 03, 2012

How-to: Add Pin it Button with Pin Count to Typepad Advanced Templates


Typepad does not have a Pinterest widget so we are on our own for the moment. By "on our own" I mean I figured out how to do it and here's how.

If you don't have advanced templates, go here: How-to: Add Pinterest Pin-It Button to Typepad Without Advanced Templates

The one caveat to this code is that the first image in each post MUST be hosted on Typepad. I have asked Typepad if there is a workaround and they assure me there is not. I am moving my images...slowly. (There is a trick to move images all at once. Export your posts and then import them. That process seems to result in Typepad copying all the images to their servers. I am not recommending it unless you think the process through carefully but the option is there.)

Since they also seem to be looking to incorporate a Pin it button into standard templates, I expect this is what we get until then.

Continue reading "How-to: Add Pin it Button with Pin Count to Typepad Advanced Templates" »

February 02, 2012

Cheddar Cheese and Onion Breadsticks Recipe

I am moving recipes over from A Year in Bread before it goes dark. First: Cheddar Cheese Onion Breadsticks Step away from the Olive Garden breadsticks and try them. You will never go back.

Cheddar cheese breadsticks

When I was a young'un, I moved from "Baja Oregon" to a very small coastal town in southwest Washington. A town where the locals joked, in some cases bragged, that, upon arriving, you should turn back your clock 20 years - to the '50s. (um, no) A town where, in the only 'ahead of their time' moment I witnessed there, they hated Calif…er, Baja Oregonians with a vengeance.

Well, mostly.

Some folks (read: young men, sadly, with an emphasis on the young in all its myriad dreadful meanings) were utterly fascinated by the strange creature in their midst and vacillated between semi-awe and hormonal stupidity with occasional forays into West WTF. The strange creature, being a child of the coolest artistic little beach towns in Baja Oregon, thought this was mildly amusing behavior...for about 15 minutes.

I arrived in late-spring and my first summer there was, to put it mildly, not my best year. Two things saved me that wet, foggy summer. The first was a job at the local pizzeria, where Gina, a wise-cracking New Jersey girl — everyone swore we were sisters — taught me to toss rounds of dough high in the air and, much harder, catch them again. She also let me play with the brick oven.

I loved Gina.

Continue reading "Cheddar Cheese and Onion Breadsticks Recipe" »

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