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April 2014

April 16, 2014

Michael Simon vs KFC: Let's Make This Happen!

Stipulated: I spend too much time on twitter. Blame it on illness and related short-attention span but 140 characters often suits me these days. Besides, stuff happens there. Stuff like this.


As regular readers know, I have little no tolerance for badly done PR stunts. And by "little no tolerance" I mean, they amuse me and provide me with snark fodder. It's one of those love/hate/laugh things. But I digress...

This challenge that @KFC's social media team tossed out to Michael Symon. That's not a badly done PR stunt. It could be, but it doesn't have to be.

It could, in fact, be an extremely well-done PR stunt. One done as a benefit for No Kid Hungry. Kids like KFC. KFC likes kids. Michael Symon likes kids. Kids probably like Michael Symon, he seems pretty kid-friendly.It could be entertaining, educational, and profitable on several fronts.

It's a match made in madMenHeaven!

Michael Symon/KFC Fried Chicken Challenge to Feed Hungry Kids

aka: The Cluck-off

I'd back that.

Greg (@nomnerd) would back that.

Would you back that?

What do you say, KFC, would you back that? Or are you...chicken?

April 11, 2014

Martha, Martha, Martha... (updated)

Ms tweet(source: twitter)

Yes, it's a real tweet. Barking spies...not to be confused with barking spiders...

Theories in comments, please.

edited 4.13.14 to add, the WTF is apparently contagious...


(source: twitter)

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