- Simple, Flaky Biscuit Recipe
This post is frequently the #1 hit on Google for such recipes. Better, people who make them say they have finally whipped their biscuit problems and made great biscuits. That makes me kinda happy.
- Removing Twitter's Recommended User to Follow "Feature"
People hate it. Seriously. For classic twitter, new twitter here.
- Dear PETA, women are animals too.
Ah, PETA. For a group that can work up a head of steam over a goldfish, you sure don't seem to get that women are people too.
- Bread 101: How to Cut an Epi
Step-by-step photos illustrate how simple it is to to cut an epi, or sheaf of wheat, loaf.
- English Muffins and Crumpets: an (almost) Shared Recipe
The recipe is still a work in progress, but I have lots of company on my quest for nooks and crannies of awesomeness.
- Farmgirl's Oatmeal Toasting Bread, slightly corrupted
In which I twist Farmgirl's famous Oatmeal Toasting Bread into a healthy variation on an old favorite: Cinnamon Swirl Bread
- Homemade Caviar
Warning: I use the word "placental" in ways that may haunt you.
All content on this site is © Beth Sheresh (2005-2012). Please play nice and don't take things that aren't yours.
See something you like and want to use? Drop me a note, kitchenMage(at)gmail(dot)com. I'm pretty agreeable when people ask.