Bacon: One American’s Outrage
This post comes from Chris Perrin, who writes at Blog Well Done. One evening on twitter, Chris offered to write a guest post and I invited him to pick something he might not write for his own site. A few days later, Chris sent me this piece, convincing me that the simple instruction to 'write something you wouldn't post at your place' was a great way to elicit marvelous guest posts. When you are done reasing, stop by Blog Well Done and encourage Chris in antics like Fantasy Top Chef.
The following public service announcement comes to you from Blog Well Done and good, God fearing Americans everywhere.
There’s a threat out there, lurking in the grocery store and hiding in the hearts, refrigerators and arteries of American citizens. It’s more disruptive to American values than even health care reform, which can only cause all of us to be happier and healthier. Read my lips, no good will come of it.
But back to the matter at hand. Some call this threat I speak of a silent killer. Some find it thoroughly addictive. Some call it delicious, delicious pork fat. Everyone calls it: bacon.
That’s right bacon.