Eat Like a Pirate on Talk Like a Pirate Day
from the archives...
Do you know about Talk Like a Pirate Day? This annual celebration of all things piratical happens every September 19th and turns ten this year, which makes this a great time to get onboard if you aren't yet.
Even pirates need a good breakfast and this one sports a signature eyepatch. The "recipe" couldn't be easier.
Take one egg in frame, add bacon and toast eyepatch. Serve with graham cracker sand and a large side of "Arrrrr!" Parrot(fish) optional.
The grilled pineapple? It's Pineapples of the Caribbean. *
Recipe from everyone and their grandmother. Photo from my cookbook
* Okay, I'm sorry for the awful line...but the truth is it's a family cookbook and many kids LOVE pineapple. Plus, lightly grilled with brown sugar! It's like dessert with breakfast.
Are you celebrating Talk Like a Pirate Day? Tell me what kind of pirate food you are eating, whose booty you covet, or who's walking your plank... (If you have a web site, feel free to drop the link to your pirate post in your comment.)