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Picture Yourself Cooking With Your Kids Feed

September 10, 2013

Eat Like a Pirate on Talk Like a Pirate Day

from the archives...

Eggs Ahoy! Eat Like a Pirate

Do you know about Talk Like a Pirate Day? This annual celebration of all things piratical happens every September 19th and turns ten this year, which makes this a great time to get onboard if you aren't yet.

Even pirates need a good breakfast and this one sports a signature eyepatch. The "recipe" couldn't be easier.

Take one egg in frame, add bacon and toast eyepatch. Serve with graham cracker sand and a large side of "Arrrrr!" Parrot(fish) optional.

The grilled pineapple? It's Pineapples of the Caribbean. *

Recipe from everyone and their grandmother. Photo from my cookbook

* Okay, I'm sorry for the awful line...but the truth is it's a family cookbook and many kids LOVE pineapple. Plus, lightly grilled with brown sugar! It's like dessert with breakfast.

Are you celebrating Talk Like a Pirate Day? Tell me what kind of pirate food you are eating, whose booty you covet, or who's walking your plank... (If you have a web site, feel free to drop the link to your pirate post in your comment.)

October 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: A Very Special Deal on my Cookbook.


Just for you, my faithful readers, a special price of ~16 bucks on Picture Yourself Cooking With Your Kids — a 98% discount from...well, from whatever the heck that thousand dollar book is about.

September 19, 2011

Eggs Ahoy! Eat Like a Pirate

Eggs Ahoy! Eat Like a Pirate

Breakfast for Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Take one egg in frame, add bacon and toast eyepatch. Serve with graham cracker sand and a large side of "Arrrrr!" Parrot(fish) optional.

The grilled pineapple? It's Pineapples of the Caribbean. *

Recipe from everyone and their grandmother. Photo from my cookbook

* Okay, I'm sorry for the awful line...but the truth is it's a family cookbook and many kids LOVE pineapple. Plus, lightly grilled with brown sugar! It's like dessert with breakfast.

Are you celebrating Talk Like a Pirate Day? Tell me what kind of pirate food you are eating, whose booty you covet, or who's walking your plank...

February 11, 2010

BSP: The Pioneer Woman said, "Bravo!"

Ask anyone who knows me if I am good at PR and they will tell you yes. They won't be wrong, but there is one huge exception: me. I am an abject failure when it comes to promoting myself. Writing a book is one thing, but the author bio can leave me stumped right til the day the book goes to print.I hate it so much that I don't even have an About page. (bad blogger!)

I am trying to change that. Starting now. One step at a time:

  1. Pioneer Woman read my cookbook: Picture Yourself Cooking With Your Kids
  2. She said very nice.things.
  3. I asked if I could quote her. (Okay, this was a bit more traumatic than that, but we'll pretend...)
  4.  She said yes. (Eek!)
  5. I squealed. Luckily I was in the privacy of my kitchen,
  6. This post happened: The Pioneer Woman Reads! (my cookbook)

Phew! That was only a wee bit painful. Do I get a gold star now?

November 24, 2009

Welcome, Friends of the Wine Whore!

picture yourself writing a book

The thought of inviting your kids into the kitchen may make you want to curl up on the couch over at the Wine Whore's, not to be seen until the munchkins have mastered something simple: an omelet, maybe, or at least how to wash a dish. It's really not that scary, though. Truth be told, it's often a lot of fun. I laugh more when I am cooking with a child; that must be a good thing.

Continue reading "Welcome, Friends of the Wine Whore!" »

March 06, 2009

Sleepover Steel-cut Oats Recipe

Sleepover Steel-cut Oats

It has been quite the winter around here, what with the cookbook coming out, my broken arm, and snowpocalypse! - and that was all last year! 2009 started with floods that shut down my state, followed by storms that washed out roads and took down 60 foot cedars in the valley. The usual distractions of the Internet are filled with bad news: economic meltdown, record unemployment, all those gazillions of dollars being thrown at the banking industry while a farmer in the next valley faces a growing number of farmers around here who are packing it in. (And what does it say that searching for that linked string above, including 'gazillion' gets almost 3000 hits? Nothing good, I'm sure.)

Tough times all around.

Continue reading "Sleepover Steel-cut Oats Recipe" »

November 10, 2008

Picture Yourself Cooking With Your Kids - the blog

Just a quick pointer towards the book's blog. Picture Yourself Cooking With Your Kids

October 23, 2008

What 'Brown' did for me today

picture yourself writing a book

UPS just dropped off a copy of the book!

Under normal circumstances (in which I had two functional arms) I'd gush and carry on a bit more, so maybe my misfortune is good for the rest of you. Just imagine me dancing about with a book in my hand (for added color, add a bright purple cast) babbling inanely...

The book looks marvelous, and I love that it is full-color on every page! It makes the step-by-step images clear and truly useful. In the day of online food sites, it is sweet (and truly rare) to get 400 photos into a cookbook, particularly for 20 bucks! ($13.59 if you order now)

If you click through to the Amazon page. there's a video with the world's cutest costar and you can 'search inside' the book for a hint of what's inside.

Picture Yourself Cooking With Your Kids

In other news, someoneElse ordered a bluetooth headset and the latest version of  Dragon NaturallySpeaking and I should be back to writing by next week...starting with how I broke the arm. But I am warning you, it involves a grassy knoll and three lateral breaks; If I tell you, I have to kil...oops! was that the outLoud voice?

September 03, 2008

Picture Yourself Writing a Book

picture yourself writing a book

We interrupt the last 24 hours of writing, endlessly in progress, to say

I can haz cover!

Picture Yourself Cooking With Your Kids

May 30, 2008

food porn: cookbook author's lunch

Cookbook Writer's Lunch

This is version 4 of the cake and I think I nailed it. Simple but tasty. Good stuff.

Bad stuff: This is the second cake I have baked (and eaten too much of) in as many weeks.

Good stuff: The recipe is finally right so I can quit screwing around recipe testing.

Bad stuff: I have to make another one of these this weekend so I can take pictures.

Good stuff: Leaving a message on Farmgirl's answering machine taunting her with, "I have buttercream all over my hands and you don't!"

Badder stuff: I have 3/4 of this one on the counter and while theKid is coming down, she's off sugar!

Good stuff: Free to good home: 3/4 of a delicious cake. Must be picked up at my place today.

Tomorrow's ad today: Free to good home: 1/2 of a delicious cake. Wish you'd picked it up yesterday!

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See something you like and want to use? Drop me a note, kitchenMage(at)gmail(dot)com. I'm pretty agreeable when people ask.