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February 21, 2012

How-to: Block Pinterest pinning from your site

updated March 10th: Added how-to block pinning without advanced templates. Thanks to Typepad's support folks for the tip.


While I am of the "Please pin my stuff" clan, there are others who are of the "Don't Pin me, bro!" tribe. For those folks, a short and sweet method for blocking people from pinning your pages.

Advanced Templates

Add this snippet to the HEAD section of your HTML pages 

<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" />

Without Advanced Templates

Go to your blog's Settings Page, Basics section. Add this snippet to the Blog Description field.

<meta name="pinterest" content="nopin" />

I have it after the actual description on a test blog and it's working fine but this is a bit of a hack so please let me know if you see any weirdness.

Download text file with the NoPinCode and instructions.

February 03, 2012

How-to: Add Pin it Button with Pin Count to Typepad Advanced Templates


Typepad does not have a Pinterest widget so we are on our own for the moment. By "on our own" I mean I figured out how to do it and here's how.

If you don't have advanced templates, go here: How-to: Add Pinterest Pin-It Button to Typepad Without Advanced Templates

The one caveat to this code is that the first image in each post MUST be hosted on Typepad. I have asked Typepad if there is a workaround and they assure me there is not. I am moving my images...slowly. (There is a trick to move images all at once. Export your posts and then import them. That process seems to result in Typepad copying all the images to their servers. I am not recommending it unless you think the process through carefully but the option is there.)

Since they also seem to be looking to incorporate a Pin it button into standard templates, I expect this is what we get until then.

Continue reading "How-to: Add Pin it Button with Pin Count to Typepad Advanced Templates" »

January 26, 2012

How-to: Add Pinterest Pin-It Button to Typepad Without Advanced Templates


Now the way I see things, there are two ways to be in the world: selfish or giving. All snark aside, I choose the latter. With Pinterest, for example, once I was enlightened about it I wanted to share the way of thePin. I wanted to share it here because then even more people could pin my biscuits. (Pin my biscuits! sounds a southern euphemism for...well...something else, doesn't it?)

I was surprised to learn that Typepad does not have a Pinterest widget. Yeah I know, right? That is just silly given the level of pinning going on right now. Being a geek, I put on my coding hat and figured out how to make a pin-it button for my web sites. being the generous sort I figured I'd share so you too can have Pin-it buttons now.

The instructions on this page work for all Typepad templates (and any other web page you want to throw the code into). If you have advanced templates, you can use these instructions for how to add the Pinterest Pin it Button with Pin Count to Individual Posts with Typepad Advanced Templates.

Going to the source, in this case, Pinterest's Goodies page, yielded some iffy scripts and a distinct lack of "simple" ways to get a freaking Pin it button onto each individual post. (Hard-coding each link and image is a joke, you guys. A freaking joke!)

You know what's not a joke? Look down there. (No not "down there"...jeebus people! The footer of this post.) That looks suspiciously like a Pin it button. Works a whole lot like one, too.

Have a Typepad blog and want one of your very own? It's a quick tweak if you are using Advanced Templates. If you don't code, though, you're pretty much screwed on this. Typepad even says so...

Hey, wait now...what about the post title? Where I promise you that you can have a Pin it button even without advanced templates?

Well, while I haven't yet figured out how to give you a Pin-it button in your post footer (like mine) without Advanced Templates, I can give you a Pin-it button in your Navigation Bar that works for individual posts. Would that work for you? Yeah, I thought so. I am really happy because any time a vendor shrugs their shoulders without getting creative, I wince. (@jaydeflix will be along any moment to tell me this isn't in the header/footer so technically Typepad said NOTHING about what I am doing. I would simply point out the lack of a Pin it button on Cook Local and move on with the installation instructions.) 

Continue reading "How-to: Add Pinterest Pin-It Button to Typepad Without Advanced Templates" »

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